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Restoration of alkaline fens in Engure, Latvia

In January and February 2020, restoration work was carried out in Engure, one of LIFE Peat Restore project areas in Latvia. The work was organised by the Lake Engure Nature Park Fund. In total 20 hectares of shrubs and young trees were cleared and removed from the overgrown parts of the fen. It has created … read more

Peatland protection and restoration is gaining momentum in the global Climate Protection discussion

Discussions on peatland protection, restoration and the phase out of peat extraction are spreading like wild fire. Since the Paris Agreement in 2015, where governments committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, policy-makers have been busy with questions of how to best reach this goal. In this new context, peatland ecosystems are increasingly being recognised … read more

The photo exhibition ‘Restoring Peatlands for Climate’ opened in Eberswalde

On October 21, 2019, LIFE Peat Restore held the opening of the photo exhibition ‘Restoring Peatlands for Climate’, in collaboration with Barnim District Administration, in the main administration building Paul-Wunderlich-Haus in Eberswalde. In Barnim district the German restoration site Biesenthaler Becken is located.   Following several displays across Latvia, organised by our project partner University … read more

Sphagnum farming as a new tool for peatland restoration in Lithuania

On 13th–14th September, 2019, two hectares of bare peat in post milled extraction field of Aukštumala peatland (Lithuania) were covered by diaspores of Sphagnum mosses. It is one of the largest Sphagnum growing sites in the Baltics, where Canadian ‘moss layer transfer technique’ and German experience in Sphagnum farming were applied aiming at the restoration … read more

LIFE Peat Restore presents results and experience in conferences

In September 2019, LIFE Peat Restore project was represented in two international conferences. On September 2–6, the Latvian national coordinator, mire expert Māra Pakalne participated in the 28th European Vegetation Survey Conference in Madrid, Spain. This year the conference focused on vegetation diversity and global change, as well as vegetation dynamics and conservation of threatened … read more

LIFE Peat Restore presents results and experience in conferences

In September 2019, LIFE Peat Restore project was represented in two international conferences. On September 26, Māra Pakalne respresented LIFE Peat Restore project in the LIFE Egge-Moore final conference in Paderborn, Germany, attended by more than 50 participants. The conference was a great opportunity to learn peatland restoration experience and techniques applied in Germany and … read more

Results from LIFE Peat Restore project contribute to broader application of indirect GHG emission assessment in peatlands

For developing a better methodology of indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emission assessment in peatlands in Latvia, a new project was implemented by the Institute for Environmental Solutions (IES) in cooperation with Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia. The project was financed by the Latvian Environmental Protection Fund. The project “Remote sensing methodology for monitoring greenhouse gas … read more