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Three brochures on LIFE Peat Restore project areas in Latvia published

The LIFE Peat Restore experts from University of Latvia have prepared three new, colourful brochures about the project areas – Augstroze Nature Reserve, Baltezers Mire Nature Reserve and Engure Lake Nature Park, all located in Latvia. The brochures will be useful for those who want to get familiar with these prominent peatland areas, to learn … read more

LIFE Peat Restore photo exhibition – view online now

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed our lives and our work in a very short time. Many events had to be cancelled or postponed. The LIFE Peat Restore Project is also not spared from the restrictions. Nevertheless we are not idle and want to continue to share our knowledge and enthusiasm for peatlands with the general … read more

Open tender for blocking ditches on the Läänemaa- Suursoo site (Estonia) succeeded and contract signed

Situated in Estonia, the earlier alkaline fen Läänemaa-Suursoo (over 3400 ha), as autonomous part of the Suursoo-Leidissoo mire complex (over 23 000 ha), was drained in the 1880s. Shallow streams were straightened and cut deeper – becoming ditches – to remove water from the area and allow mowing of hay. During that period milk production … read more

How can the future CAP finally recognise the role of peatlands in mitigating climate change?

A consortium of 23 organisations have recently published a Policy Brief calling on the preservation and improved management of peatlands in the EU’s post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). According to the paper, “To facilitate the new environmental ambitions of the Post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy and to create coherence between agricultural and climate policies, CAP must … read more

Conclusion from Germany’s Food and Agriculture Ministry Conference: Alternatives to peat perform just as well as peat!

On February 18 and 19, NABU’s LIFE Peat Restore team attended a Peat Reduction Conference, organised by Germany’s Food and Agriculture Ministry (BMEL). The conference focused on the Government’s Strategy to address peat extraction and growing media industry, as well as, showcased several scientific research results conducted across Germany and Europe on peat and alternatives … read more

LIFE Peat Restore’s 3rd Monitoring Protocol is now available

Every year the Peat Restore team prepares a comprehensive assessment of the project’s overall performance. The Protocol covers all activities conducted within the project in 2019: the restoration, monitoring and communication measures. If you are interested to find out in detail what Peat Restore has been up to in 2019, check out our Protocols. The … read more