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Peat deposit depth measurement with georadar

Last week, we started survey of the peat deposit in Suursoo project area using georadar. Georadar is a high-tech apparatus used in geophysics, where the image of the internal structure of the soil is displayed using the pulses of radio waves. In other words, radar allows us to see underground. In the peat deposits of … read more

Restoration of alkaline fens in Engure, Latvia

In January and February 2020, restoration work was carried out in Engure, one of LIFE Peat Restore project areas in Latvia. The work was organised by the Lake Engure Nature Park Fund. In total 20 hectares of shrubs and young trees were cleared and removed from the overgrown parts of the fen. It has created … read more

Results from LIFE Peat Restore project contribute to broader application of indirect GHG emission assessment in peatlands

For developing a better methodology of indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emission assessment in peatlands in Latvia, a new project was implemented by the Institute for Environmental Solutions (IES) in cooperation with Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia. The project was financed by the Latvian Environmental Protection Fund. The project “Remote sensing methodology for monitoring greenhouse gas … read more

LIFE Peat Restore team presents the project in an international conference

On June 13–14, 2019, the Academic Centre for Natural Sciences of the University of Latvia hosted an international conference organised by LIFE Restore project under LIFE Climate Action programme. The conference was dedicated to responsible and sustainable management of peatlands and attracted more than 150 participants from various organisations (governmental institutions, peat industry, NGOs, research … read more

Results of data collection in peatlands from Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

Degraded peatlands, abandoned after exploitation, emit continuously and intensely; disproportionately more in comparison to the size of the area they occupy. In fact, undamaged peatlands store around 30 percent of the global carbon on only 3 percent of the land area. LIFE Peat Restore aims to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from degraded peatlands by … read more