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Fieldwork progress at Soorsoo restoration site

Estonian team started fieldwork at Suursoo restoration site in the early spring of 2018.

In April and May, detailed descriptions of ditches were made and borders between GEST types specified. In the months of May and June measurement technology was established: 56 water level divers were installed close to 10 x 10 m vegetation plots; two piesometric stations, one with four divers and another with five, respectively, in different depth, as well as eight conductivity loggers were installed. The weather station was set up on the best preserved part of the restoration area. The station consists of rain gauger, barometer pressure sensor, temperature sensor, photosynthetic activity (PAR) sensor and light sensor.

The weather station installed!

It took time to build the greenhouse gas (GHG) measurement stations. Altogether, 24 plots by four GHG measurement frames on each were built. First GHG measurement cycle was carried out at the beginning of July. The measurements are planned to continue once per month until October.

GHG measurement system.

Field vegetation analyses were conducted mostly in 2017. Vegetation described on 69 plots of 14 transects in the eastern part of the restoration area, see https://life-peat-restore.eu/en/field-vegetation-analyses-on-estonian-restoration-site-completed/. In 2018, additional vegetation analyses were conducted in the western part of the site on  eleven plots of three transects.