LIFE Peat Restore invites you to join us in the critical discussion surrounding the phase out of peat and large scale restoration of degraded peatlands as necessary measures to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement; namely, to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 40% until 2030, compared to 1990 levels.
Representatives of Government Ministries from Germany, Latvia and Estonia, the NABU president Jörg-Andreas Krüger as well as peatland expert Dr. Hans Joosten and Christian Holzleitner, the DG Clima, Head of Unit C.3 Land Use and Finance for Innovation from the EU Commission will participate in the panel discussion. We seek to address questions like, what is the current role of peatlands in climate mitigation policies? How can it be strengthened? What are the challenges?
Following the discussions, there will be time to enjoy a photo exhibition showcasing the beauty of the northern European peatland landscapes, as well as restoration measures within the LIFE Peat Restore project. Delicacies from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will be served along with drinks.
The full programme is here: Restoring Peatlands for Climate.