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Tallinn University, Estonia

Mission accomplished!

Tallinn University, Estonia

The European Commission Monitoring expert, Dr. Jan Sliva, carried out the first mission to assess the performance of the LIFE Peat Restore project – Reduction of CO2 emissions by restoring degraded peatlands in Northern European Lowland.

On June 9, he visited NABU headquarters, in Berlin (Germany), to meet with the new project managing team. Then on June 10, the EU monitor continued on to Riga (Latvia), where he met the partners from all five countries to discuss the progress and challenges of the project. The mission concluded in Tallinn (Estonia) on June 12, with a visit to the project site, Suursoo-Leidissoo (NATURA 2000 site and SPA). In addition to discussing field methodologies for the project restoration areas, the partners together with the monitor took important step towards the identification of a working plan for 2017.