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How can the future CAP finally recognise the role of peatlands in mitigating climate change?

A consortium of 23 organisations have recently published a Policy Brief calling on the preservation and improved management of peatlands in the EU’s post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). According to the paper, “To facilitate the new environmental ambitions of the Post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy and to create coherence between agricultural and climate policies, CAP must … read more

Conclusion from Germany’s Food and Agriculture Ministry Conference: Alternatives to peat perform just as well as peat!

On February 18 and 19, NABU’s LIFE Peat Restore team attended a Peat Reduction Conference, organised by Germany’s Food and Agriculture Ministry (BMEL). The conference focused on the Government’s Strategy to address peat extraction and growing media industry, as well as, showcased several scientific research results conducted across Germany and Europe on peat and alternatives … read more

Nature management actions at Amalva site

Large-scale nature management actions started in August in the Amalva peatland site (Southern Lithuania). In order to improve the habitat status, tree cuttings in 200 ha area will be performed. The removal of tree biomass will be followed by dam construction and further improvement of Amalva raised bog, which is part of huge protected mire … read more

Lithuanian sites are ready for monitoring

Restoration of damaged mire habitats is one of the most important objectives of the LIFE Peat Restore project. With such an objective, several preparatory actions must be carried out before implementing active nature management; chief among them is the preparation and approval of technical and management plans. Currently, almost all nature management and technical plans … read more


The first steering group meeting for site management plan of Augstroze Nature Reserve in Latvia


In October 18, 2017, the first steering group meeting for the site management plan of Augstroze Nature Reserve was held in Limbaži municipality. There was a variety of participants: representatives from different governmental institutions, local municipality, JSC “Latvian State Forests”, local journalist, experts involved with the elaboration of the plan and LIFE Peat Restore representatives. … read more

eLMA: A Tool for LIFE project management


At the first team meeting in Riga, a new online application for the LIFE project management was introduced. Project manager Dr. Dominik Zak and Michał Trzcinka signed the contract for the management tool eLMA, which was specifically developed and adapted to this LIFE Project. The application allows an overview to the full extent of the … read more