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The touristic trail in Slowinski National Park again open

One of the elements of the project in Poland is an attempt to change the perception of peat bogs of Slowinski National Park and their roleĀ  – not only for the local community but also in the broader context. As project activities aimed at raising the water level in the Park – it may be negatively received by the local community.

We planned to create an educational trail,Ā within an existing touristic trail Kluki – Izbica. This trail runs throughĀ wetlands and is very difficult to access. Only in a few sections in the Izbica municipality, the trail was provided with wooden platforms allowing passage through the wettest points. Further on, however, very wet places remained not accessible. But while the wet places of the trail are scattered, they are numerous. In July, a few dozens of 10-meters-long wooden modules were created on the trail, which, combined in longer runs, re-opened the trail for the tourist traffic while still maintaining its “boggy” character.

The next step will be equipping the trail in information and education boards.