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LIFE Peat Restore is participating in the Peat Fest this Sunday, May 31 2020

RE-PEAT is a new European-based, youth-led group pushing for a shift in how we think about, use, and imagine peatlands. They have organised a 24-hour, global and online festival called Peat Fest to celebrate World Peatland Day.

The online format of the festival has allowed a much more global conversation, including sessions from all over the world. This is also why the festival will be 24 hours, beginning and ending at midnight Greenwich Time. The festival will gather scientists, artists, farmers, writers, and other individuals and groups that are interested in both peat and the wider ecological and cultural context together in an interdisciplinary approach to peatland appreciation and protection. The event will provide a space where knowledge and interest can be shared between those with varying degrees of involvement in peat.

LIFE Peat Restore is contributing to the festival with a pre-recorded session explaining the crucial climate function of peatlands, as well as how restoration of degraded peatlands helps climate change mitigation. Our Peat Restore session, “RE-COVER: Restoring Peatlands for Climate”, is scheduled for 17:15-17:45 Central European Summer Time (Sunday, May 31): https://re-peat.mn.co/events/re-cover-restoring-peatlands-for-climate.

For more information about the Peat Fest, please visit: https://re-peat.mn.co. To find out more about RE-Peat, visit their website: https://www.re-peat.earth/.