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LIFE Peat Restore presents results and experience in conferences

In September 2019, LIFE Peat Restore project was represented in two international conferences.

On September 2–6, the Latvian national coordinator, mire expert Māra Pakalne participated in the 28th European Vegetation Survey Conference in Madrid, Spain. This year the conference focused on vegetation diversity and global change, as well as vegetation dynamics and conservation of threatened ecosystems. In total 66 oral and 77 poster presentations were given, and the conference was attended by more than 100 researchers and experts from many European countries. The conference abstracts are available here.

Calcareous fen vegetation in Engure project site. Photo: M. Pakalne

One of the conferences’ session was dedicated to wetlands. M. Pakalne from University of Latvia presented a study held in Engure fens, one of LIFE Peat Restore project areas. The study improves the knowledge of succession in young calcareous fens over a 30-year period that is driven by various factors. The results provide valuable information for management and conservation of fen habitats. The presentation sparked fruitful discussions on the LIFE Peat Restore project site, project measures and objectives. The study results presented in the conference are available here: presentation and summary.