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Peatlands as carbon sinks – post-conference materials

In December 2017 post-conference materials from the conference entitled FOREST WETLANDS HABITATS AS OASIS OF BIODIVERSITY were published, including an article by Katarzyna Bociąg and others “Peatlands as carbon sinks – peatlands’ restoration project in Słowiński National Park”. In April 2017, in Rogów, the 13th Conference from the series of  Active methods of nature protection in sustainable forestry was held. This year the theme of the conference was peatlands.

During the conference, the employees of the LIFE PeatRestore project at the Naturalists’ Club presented the main assumptions of the project as oriented to the protection of peatlands as valuable ecosystems and to protect the accumulated carbon resources and to prevent the emission of greenhouse gases.

Published materials can be found on the CEPL website, including the Naturalists Club’s article.