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LIFE Peat Restore and the Special Report from the International Panel on Climate Change

The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently published a special report on greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes in land-based ecosystems, land use and sustainable land management in relation to climate change adaptation and mitigation, desertification, land degradation and food security. The findings and recommendations to policy-makers echo the aims of LIFE Peat Restore and only … read more

The Embassy of Estonia is hosting the LIFE Peat Restore photo exhibition: ‘Restoring Peatlands for Climate’

In cooperation with the Embassies of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, NABU is excited to announce the photo exhibition ‘Restoring Peatlands for Climate’. The exhibition showcases the beauty of the northern European peatlands and introduces you to the biodiversity and ecosystem functions of peatlands, as well as to the restoration areas from the LIFE Peat Restore … read more

Barnim District Administration is hosting the LIFE Peat Restore photo exhibition: ‘Restoring Peatlands for Climate’

NABU in cooperation with the Barnim District Administration is hosting the LIFE Peat Restore photo exhibition: ‘Restoring Peatlands for Climate’. The exhibition highlights the beauty of the northern European peatlands and presents their biodiversity and ecosystem functions, as well as to the restoration works by the LIFE Peat Restore project, extending over five countries. Everyone … read more

Busy with work on documentary films

In the summer of 2019, ELM Media, one of the LIFE Peat Restore partners, is actively working on the documentary films proposed in the project. The first shots were taken already in 2017 in Poland, followed by filming sessions in Lithuania and Latvia. This summer, the ELM Media team is travelling around Latvia, actively looking … read more

Two management plans for Latvian project areas officially approved

In summer of 2019, two management plans for the Latvian project areas Augstroze Nature Reserve and Baltezers Mire Nature Reserve were officially approved by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development. Both plans were developed within LIFE Peat Restore project according to the procedure required by the national regulation by the expert team of … read more

LIFE Peat Restore team presents the project in an international conference

On June 13–14, 2019, the Academic Centre for Natural Sciences of the University of Latvia hosted an international conference organised by LIFE Restore project under LIFE Climate Action programme. The conference was dedicated to responsible and sustainable management of peatlands and attracted more than 150 participants from various organisations (governmental institutions, peat industry, NGOs, research … read more

Klub Przyrodników and Lithuanian Fund for Nature are testing techniques of peat forming vegetation on bare peat surfaces and water bodies

On May 2019, LIFE Peat Restore presented a poster at the Annual Convention of the International Peatland Society, about specific peat forming vegetation techniques implemented on bare peat surfaces and water bodies. An important aspect of LIFE Peat Restore is to test various methods of establishing peat forming vegetation on peatland areas that have been … read more

Results of data collection in peatlands from Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

Degraded peatlands, abandoned after exploitation, emit continuously and intensely; disproportionately more in comparison to the size of the area they occupy. In fact, undamaged peatlands store around 30 percent of the global carbon on only 3 percent of the land area. LIFE Peat Restore aims to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from degraded peatlands by … read more

Nature management in Pūsčia site was successfully implemented

Up until mid 20th century, Pūsčia was one of the largest natural raised bogs in the north-eastern part of Lithuania. However, in the 1970s industrial peat mining began and lasted 30 years. The dense network of drainage ditches built (total length of approximately 35 kilometres) dried up the area, resulting in unfavourable hydrological conditions. Unfortunately, … read more