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The second steering group meeting for the site management plan of Augstroze Nature Reserve, Latvia

In 6 February 2018, the second steering group meeting for the site management plan of Augstroze Nature Reserve was held in Limbaži. It was attended by the stakeholders involved in the development of the plan: local municipalities, relevant governmental institutions, JSC “Latvian State Forests”, the landowners, and LIFE Peat Restore project team. The coordinator of … read more


The first steering group meeting for site management plan of Augstroze Nature Reserve in Latvia


In October 18, 2017, the first steering group meeting for the site management plan of Augstroze Nature Reserve was held in Limbaži municipality. There was a variety of participants: representatives from different governmental institutions, local municipality, JSC “Latvian State Forests”, local journalist, experts involved with the elaboration of the plan and LIFE Peat Restore representatives. … read more

Representatives of Polish and Latvian LIFE projects meet in Latvian mires

On 23 and 22 August 2017, a meeting between representives of two Polish LIFE projects and Latvian and Polish representatives of LIFE Peat Restore project was held in Latvia. Poland was represented by a non-governmental organisation Klub Przyrodnikow (Naturalists’ Club) which currently implements two LIFE projects aimed at restoring alkaline fens: Conservation and restoration of alkaline … read more

Transportable photo exhibition is being prepared

In 1–2 June and 29–30 July 2017, several photographers gathered in the Latvian project areas, Engure Lake Nature Park and Augstroze Nature Reserve, to catch the moments of colourful orchid blossom, miraculous sunset atmosphere in raised bog, unforgettable sceneries of Augstroze Lake, and many other aspects of the mire beauty. The photo trips were initiated … read more

Field vegetation analyses on Estonian restoration site completed

Project team from Tallinn University completed vegetation analyses on their large (over 3000 hectares) restoration site at Suursoo – Leidissoo fen complex. Vegetation analyses were made on 14 transects crosswise ditches, each 200 to 500 metres long. The length of transect and the number of study plots on transect depends on vegetation pattern. On one … read more

The first steering group meeting for site management plan of Baltezers Mire Nature Reserve in Latvia

In the beginning of 2017, elaboration of site management plans for two Latvian project areas, Baltezers Mire Nature Reserve and Augstroze Nature Reserve, was commenced. The management plans are necessary to substantiate appropriate conservation and restoration actions, including peatland restoration proposed within the LIFE Peat Restore project. In 18 August 2017, the first steering group … read more