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Results of data collection in peatlands from Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

Degraded peatlands, abandoned after exploitation, emit continuously and intensely; disproportionately more in comparison to the size of the area they occupy. In fact, undamaged peatlands store around 30 percent of the global carbon on only 3 percent of the land area. LIFE Peat Restore aims to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from degraded peatlands by … read more

Nature management in Pūsčia site was successfully implemented

Up until mid 20th century, Pūsčia was one of the largest natural raised bogs in the north-eastern part of Lithuania. However, in the 1970s industrial peat mining began and lasted 30 years. The dense network of drainage ditches built (total length of approximately 35 kilometres) dried up the area, resulting in unfavourable hydrological conditions. Unfortunately, … read more

LIFE Peat Restore project on TV broadcast

On 10 October 2018, Latvian Television aired a broadcast dedicated to peatland ecosystems. This was a series within a popular science broadcast called Impulse of Discovery (Izziņas impulss in Latvian). In the broadcast, the role of peatlands in regulating flooding and climate by sequestering greenhouse gases (GHG) was explained, as well as the conflicting nature … read more

Greenhouse gas emissions monitoring plots are now installed on all project sites

Measurements of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from peatlands have started on all the project sites, in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Germany. This summer, NABU’s national coordinator visited Estonia and Latvia, to supervise and assist with the instalment of the GHG monitoring plots. Testing of the instrumental measurement system was successful. Valuable data on GHG … read more

Lithuanian sites are ready for monitoring

Restoration of damaged mire habitats is one of the most important objectives of the LIFE Peat Restore project. With such an objective, several preparatory actions must be carried out before implementing active nature management; chief among them is the preparation and approval of technical and management plans. Currently, almost all nature management and technical plans … read more

Fieldwork progress at Soorsoo restoration site

Estonian team started fieldwork at Suursoo restoration site in the early spring of 2018. In April and May, detailed descriptions of ditches were made and borders between GEST types specified. In the months of May and June measurement technology was established: 56 water level divers were installed close to 10 x 10 m vegetation plots; … read more