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Open tender for blocking ditches on the Läänemaa- Suursoo site (Estonia) succeeded and contract signed

Situated in Estonia, the earlier alkaline fen Läänemaa-Suursoo (over 3400 ha), as autonomous part of the Suursoo-Leidissoo mire complex (over 23 000 ha), was drained in the 1880s. Shallow streams were straightened and cut deeper – becoming ditches – to remove water from the area and allow mowing of hay. During that period milk production … read more

Sphagnum farming as a new tool for peatland restoration in Lithuania

On 13th–14th September, 2019, two hectares of bare peat in post milled extraction field of Aukštumala peatland (Lithuania) were covered by diaspores of Sphagnum mosses. It is one of the largest Sphagnum growing sites in the Baltics, where Canadian ‘moss layer transfer technique’ and German experience in Sphagnum farming were applied aiming at the restoration … read more

Results from LIFE Peat Restore project contribute to broader application of indirect GHG emission assessment in peatlands

For developing a better methodology of indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emission assessment in peatlands in Latvia, a new project was implemented by the Institute for Environmental Solutions (IES) in cooperation with Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia. The project was financed by the Latvian Environmental Protection Fund. The project “Remote sensing methodology for monitoring greenhouse gas … read more

Nature management actions at Amalva site

Large-scale nature management actions started in August in the Amalva peatland site (Southern Lithuania). In order to improve the habitat status, tree cuttings in 200 ha area will be performed. The removal of tree biomass will be followed by dam construction and further improvement of Amalva raised bog, which is part of huge protected mire … read more

The Embassy of Estonia is hosting the LIFE Peat Restore photo exhibition: ‘Restoring Peatlands for Climate’

In cooperation with the Embassies of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, NABU is excited to announce the photo exhibition ‘Restoring Peatlands for Climate’. The exhibition showcases the beauty of the northern European peatlands and introduces you to the biodiversity and ecosystem functions of peatlands, as well as to the restoration areas from the LIFE Peat Restore … read more

Barnim District Administration is hosting the LIFE Peat Restore photo exhibition: ‘Restoring Peatlands for Climate’

NABU in cooperation with the Barnim District Administration is hosting the LIFE Peat Restore photo exhibition: ‘Restoring Peatlands for Climate’. The exhibition highlights the beauty of the northern European peatlands and presents their biodiversity and ecosystem functions, as well as to the restoration works by the LIFE Peat Restore project, extending over five countries. Everyone … read more

Two management plans for Latvian project areas officially approved

In summer of 2019, two management plans for the Latvian project areas Augstroze Nature Reserve and Baltezers Mire Nature Reserve were officially approved by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development. Both plans were developed within LIFE Peat Restore project according to the procedure required by the national regulation by the expert team of … read more