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LIFE Peat Restore invites to participate in an international conference in Riga, Latvia

We are pleased to invite you to take part in an international conference “Restoring peatlands for climate” on 28–30 June 2020. The conference is organised by the University of Latvia within LIFE Peat Restore project. The aim of the conference is to bring together professionals of peatland restoration and researchers who study various aspects of peatlands, especially peatland-climate relation, to share knowledge and experience.

The conference will focus on the following topics:

  • role of peatlands in climate change mitigation,
  • greenhouse gas measurements and indirect assessment methods and their development, with special emphasis on GEST approach,
  • peatland restoration for climate and biodiversity – experiences from different countries,
  • monitoring of restoration success.

The oral presentations will be provided by invited speakers (see the preliminary programme). Poster presentations are welcome (including 2-3 min oral presentations).

The conference programme includes one full conference day with presentations and two field excursion days when peatland restoration areas in Latvia will be visited, including the intact parts of magnificent raised bog areas. 

If you are interested to participate please register until 16 March 2020. REGISTRATION IS CLOSED. Abstract submission is extended to 17 April 2020.

During the conference, it will be possible to attend the travelling photo exhibition “Restoring peatlands for climate” which will shortly stop in Riga.

The conference circular, including broader information on registration, abstract submission, excursion, participation fees etc. is available here.

The preliminary programme is available here (can slightly change until the conference).